Job-Kontakt - Prospects for refugees & immigrants in the Ore Mountains

(New) immigrants are given the opportunity to:

  • discover new career opportunities and prospects
  • meet and speak to regional employers
  • find support services (e.g. training, work, self-employment, learning German)

Language interpreters will be available if required.

No registration required.

Please bring your application documents (cover letter, short CV) with you. Don't have any? Then take part in our seminar series ‘How do I find a job in the Ore Mountains?’.

Friday, 22.11.2024, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Education Centre Erzgebirge GmbH (Bildungszentrum Erzgebirge (BZE)); Schulbrücke 1, 08280 Aue-Bad Schlema

Admission is free.

You can search for bus and train connections to the venue at


Companies taking part and other organisations


  • Auerhammer Metallwerk GmbH
  • Bau Bildung Sachsen e. V.
  • DEHOGA Hotel- und Gaststättenverband Sachsen e.V.
  • EKH Erzgebirgische Krankenhaus- und Hospitalgesellschaft mbH
  • omeras GmbH
  • Trockenbau Wäntig GmbH

The list of companies is not complete - further companies will be added after participation has been confirmed.


  • Annaberg-Buchholz Employment Agency (Agentur für Arbeit Annaberg-Buchholz)
  • Labor Market Mentors Saxony (Arbeitsmarktmentoren Sachsen)
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chemnitz, Ore Mountains Regional Chamber (Industrie- und Handelskammer Chemnitz, Regionalkammer Erzgebirge)
  • Ore Mountains Job Centre (Jobcenter Erzgebirgskreis)
  • Erzgebirge Business Development Agency (Wirtschaftsförderung Erzgebirge GmbH) in conjunction with the Ore Mountains Skilled Labour Portal (Fachkräfteportal Erzgebirge) and the Welcome Centre Erzgebirge (Welcome Center Erzgebirge)

Series of seminars ‘How do I find a job in the Ore Mountains?’

To prepare for job contact, you will learn in 4 small seminars:

  • What opportunities you have with your qualifications.
  • How the labour market in the Ore Mountains works.
  • How to find a job.
  • How to prepare for an application.

Participation requirements:

  • You live in the Ore Mountains.
  • You have a foreign qualification (training/study).
  • You have at least B1 level German.
  • You register for the seminar series (see registration form).

Online seminar - Module 1

Utilise and expand my qualifications in the Ore Mountains

Friday, 25.10.2024, 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.



Online seminar – Module 2

The labour market
in the Ore Mountains

Friday, 01.11.2024, 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.



Online seminar – Module 3

How do I find a job
in the Ore Mountains?

Friday, 08.11.2024, 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.



Presence seminar – Module 4

Preparation for application activities
in the Ore Mountains

Friday, 15.11.2024, 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Education Centre Erzgebirge GmbH (Bildungszentrum Erzgebirge (BZE)); Schulbrücke 1, 08280 Aue-Bad Schlema


Please register for the seminar series by 23 October 2024

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