Job contact - prospects for refugees & immigrants in the Ore Mountains

(Kopie 1)

The mini-job fair "Job-Kontakt - Perspektive für Geflüchtete und Zugewanderte im Erzgebirge" gives (new) immigrants the opportunity to

  • hold initial discussions with Ore Mountain entrepreneurs
  • discover new career opportunities and prospects
  • find offers of support (e.g. training, work, self-employment, learning German)

Your questions about job contact answered:

Kristin Kocksch


(Kopie 2)

Next dates

No current dates. Please contact us if you are interested.

(Kopie 3)

(Kopie 6)

Your questions about job contact answered:

Kristin Kocksch



Job contact

Discover new career opportunities and prospects, make initial contacts with companies in the Ore Mountains and get to know contacts who can help you integrate into your career and everyday life - that's what Job-Kontakt is all about.