Family & Leisure

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"First the work - then the pleasure. But then really!" The Ore Mountains offer an above-average range of leisure activities from A for adventureto Z for timefor two. The wide range of activities will delight young and old alike and is ideal for families. Your children can develop individually in the natural surroundings of the Erzgebirge. Loving childcare and a wide range of educational opportunities create the basis for a successful future. Find out more about family time in the Ore Mountains and the countless leisure activities on offer in your new home.


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At 12%, the Erzgebirgskreis has the highest rate of returnees in the whole of Saxony. Young families in particular are drawn back home. This is certainly due to the fact that, in addition to the network of family and friends, the best childcare facilities offer young parents the chance to realize their careers with children. With loving childcare and a wide range of educational opportunities at a high level, the foundations for a successful future are laid in the Ore Mountains. Children can develop individually here in a natural environment.

Are you new to the Ore Mountains with your family or are you planning to return to the region and are looking for education and childcare options for your child(ren)?

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You can find a suitable daycare center in the region via the KITA-Bildungssserver .

The websites of the respective city and municipal administrations also usually provide a good overview.

School landscape Saxony

You can use the Saxon school database to find the right school for your children.

Family support

Families are financially relieved and supported with various benefits and state aid.

The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth provides an overview of what state aid families can receive.

Leisure time

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Visitors often know the Ore Mountains as a shining Christmas wonderland, a beautiful winter sports and hiking region or an interesting mining region with UNESCO World Heritage status. Those who live in the small and medium-sized towns and communities in the Ore Mountains are not only aware of the numerous sights, but also enjoy the wide range of leisure and cultural activities and numerous festivals. The Ore Mountains are a region with an above-average recreational value.

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From abroad to the Ore Mountains - additional information

Childcare in Germany / in the Ore Mountains

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If your children attend a daycare center (Kita), it is easier for them to come into contact with other children and learn the German language. The later transition to school is also easier.

In Germany, every child is entitled to childcare.
There are different types of childcare:

The word Kita is a collective term under which various forms of childcare are summarized. In daycare centers, your children are looked after, supported and encouraged by employees of the respective facilities. The educational concepts often differ from daycare center to daycare center. Children from zero to three years of age are often cared for within a daycare center in the so-called "crèche". However, there are also daycare centers that offer cross-age groups. You can find out in person at the respective facilities and find out which concept suits your child best.

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Crèche - for children from 0 to 3 years:
Because younger children need more attention, they are looked after in smaller groups in crèches. You can usually arrange flexibly when you drop your child off in the morning and pick them up later.

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Child day care:
Child day care offers flexible, family-oriented and individual care by a permanent caregiver - children under the age of three benefit from this in particular. These caregivers are also known as "childminders". Depending on the arrangement, your children will be looked after in the childminder's home, at your home or in other premises.

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Kindergarten - for children aged 3 to 7:
Kindergarten - this German word is also used in English and you may already be familiar with it.
There are also a few bilingual kindergartens in the Erzgebirge, such as the bilingual "Regenbogen" kindergarten in Marienberg (German-Czech).

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You can find a suitable daycare center in the region via the KITA-Bildungssserver. General information on the subject of childcare is summarized at Make-it-in-Germany.

Kita education serverMake-it-in-Germany | Childcare

School in Germany / in the Ore Mountains

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School attendance is compulsory in Germany. If your children are older than six, they have to go to school. Most schools in Germany are run by the state and children can attend these schools free of charge. There are also private and international schools. However, fees are charged for these. You can also find out more about compulsory schooling from the Saxon State Ministry of Culture.

Schooling begins in elementary school. Children attend this school from the first to the fourth grade. Depending on how well the children do in elementary school, the parents can then decide together with the teachers which type of school the child will attend from the fifth grade onwards (secondary school or grammar school).

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Are your children already of school age when they arrive in Germany? If so, the respective school management will decide in consultation with the responsible school authorities on the organization of school enrolment.

As a rule, newly arrived schoolchildren who are not yet able to take part in school lessons on a continuous basis due to their language skills are offered trial lessons. The aim is to integrate them into regular school lessons as quickly as possible.

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You can use the Saxon school database to find the right school for your child(ren).

Some schools offer preparatory classes with lessons in "German as a second language". You can find out at which schools in Saxony preparatory classes are set up at the regional office of the Saxon State Office for Schools and Education. There you can also get individual advice on educational paths in Saxony.

The "school landscape" of Saxony

Locations - State Office for Schools and Education -

School system and compulsory education (

Special offers

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The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees supports special seminars for women under the program title Migrantinnen einfach stark im Alltag (MiA).

MiA courses help migrant women to settle and progress in Germany. Participants receive relevant information for everyday life, such as how the school and education system works in Germany.

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With its youth migration services , the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs offers expert support for social, educational and professional integration.

The advice centers are aimed specifically at young people up to the age of 27 with difficult starting opportunities and young people with a migration background.

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Learn German

A good knowledge of German is important - both in the workplace and in everyday life. For most companies in the Ore Mountains, it is very important that their employees speak German very well, especially in jobs with customer contact. You need German to be able to communicate and integrate well in a team, but also to get to know new people in the Ore Mountains and find your way around better. Many professions also require specialist language skills.

There are many ways to learn the language.

Learning German before arrival

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The best place to start learning German is in your home country. The best-known provider is the Goethe-Institut, the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. The Goethe-Institut offers German courses in 92 countries around the world.

There is also a wide range of online courses to acquire or improve your German language skills before you arrive in Germany. You can find an overview in our guide "Learning German with smartphones and the internet".

Learn German in Germany

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The Welcome Center Erzgebirge will be happy to help you find a suitable offer and answer any questions you may have.

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Integration courses

In an integration course, you can learn German or improve your German. You will also learn a lot about Germany and German history as well as important topics from everyday life such as work and career, shopping and housing.

Integration courses can be financially supported and consist of two parts: a language course and an orientation course. The courses are offered full-time and part-time. The general integration course comprises 700 hours, with the language course comprising 600 hours and the subsequent orientation course 100 hours. In the language course, you will learn German up to level B1. You will complete it with the "German Test for Immigrants" (DTZ) exam. After the orientation course, you will take the "Living in Germany" (LiD) test.

You can find integration courses in your area in BAMF-NAvI, the information system of the BAMF.

BAMF-NAVI: Find integration courses in your area

Professional language courses

The vocational language courses (BSK) build on the integration courses and teach German for the workplace in basic and special modules. They are very helpful in the workplace and for training in Germany. German language skills are taught for all professions. However, there are also special courses, e.g. for people in the recognition procedure for academic medical professions and healthcare professions or for various specialist fields.
Depending on the course, you can reach level B2, C1 or C2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Each course concludes with a certificate examination.

Further information on the course schedule, requirements and possible costs can be obtained directly from the course provider.

You can find an overview of current and planned vocational language courses on KURSNET

KURSNET portal of the Federal Employment Agency

Self-pay courses & online offers

In addition to the subsidized integration and vocational training courses, there are a large number of so-called self-pay courses. These are offered online and face-to-face as well as some intensive courses. In addition to the Goethe-Institut, you can also find other language courses for all language levels at the Volkshochschule (VHS). You can find numerous private providers of German courses by searching the internet - it's worth comparing!

In addition to self-pay courses, you can also access a wide range of online courses.


We are here for you! Feel free to contact us!

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Kristin Kocksch


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We are here for you!
Feel free to get in touch with us!

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Kristin Kocksch


+49 3733 145 109

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